our pride and joy
Hunter is our LEADER.
Hunter is a great big brother and an excellent role model for the littles. He’s a straight A student and splits his time on the baseball field and basketball court. He always makes time for his 4 little siblings, whom absolutely adore him. Whether its building Legos, sharing his switch, chasing the kids or operating the TV remote, he is always patient, loving and soaking up being the best big brother.

Harlow is our ENTERTAINER.
Harlow loves to sing and could listen to music all day long. When we think of Harlow we think of her big curls and her beautiful smile. She has unlimited energy and great taste in music, from Imagine Dragons to Katie Perry and Taylor Swift. Her ability to remember song lyrics is fascinating.

Piper is our DYNAMO
Piper is always happy, fearless and has a uniqueness about her. She loves to be chased by anyone who will run after her. Piper enjoys picking out her own outfits and is currently obsessed with her Wonder Woman dress. She gets along with everyone and is always willing to make things work. She may rip something out of your hands and take off running while laughing hysterically but she always gives it back.

Presley is our SCHOLAR
Presley has an intellect that is wise and mature beyond her years. She loves the ballet, wearing pigtails and bridging the gap between her sisters and her little brother Dylan. Her voice will make you melt and she is always the first one up and she lets you know about it!

Dylan is our WARRIOR
Dylan is our fighter. There isn’t anything that has been thrown at him that he can’t handle. From being born at 29 weeks to having 3 older sisters, Dylan takes everything in stride. He loves to dance and has built up a rabid fan base on Instagram with his fun loving demeanor, big brown eyes and charming smile. He is a sweetheart.